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100. The Art Guys, SUITS: The Clothes Make the Man

Rainey Knudson
The Art Guys (Jack Massing and Michael Galbreth), SUITS: The Clothes Make the Man, 1997–1998. With Todd Oldham and Selven O’Keefe Jarmon. Two custom-tailored wool suits with advertising logos, with accessories including embroidered overcoats, belts, and shoes.
The Art Guys (Jack Massing and Michael Galbreth), SUITS: The Clothes Make the Man, 1997–1998. With Todd Oldham and Selven O’Keefe Jarmon. Two custom-tailored wool suits with advertising logos, with accessories including embroidered overcoats, belts, and shoes.

On its surface, the SUITS project was about the ridiculousness of consumer culture, and was itself ridiculous: for a year, two artists traveled incessantly, all over the country, wearing bespoke suits embroidered with paid advertisements. In dozens of cities, The Art Guys met strangers in airports and on the street, eliciting bemused chuckles. Look at us. It’s ridiculous, this culture we inhabit. So let's laugh together at our own expense. Let's meet each other in goodwill and look each other in the eye. Because wonderful people are everywhere, and this wild American experiment is worth our attention, and our love.


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