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Rainey Knudson

22. Yinka Shonibare, Refugee Astronaut IV

Yinka Shonibare CBE, Refugee Astronaut IV, 2023. Fibreglass mannequin, Dutch wax printed cotton textile, net, possessions, astronaut helmet, moon boots and steel baseplate. 72 × 35 × 43.5 inches

Some days you triumphantly plant the flag and everyone applauds, and some days you trudge across the inhospitable landscape of your life, a stranger in a strange land. So where are you going, interstellar traveler? You’ve landed here in your space suit, which is necessary for survival, but whose sensory limitations and encumbrances will always, inevitably, filter your experience of this existence. And you bear the weight of your critical necessities, sometimes lightly, sometimes bent over and burdened. But you’re here for now. Listen to your breath. Feel gravity in your bones. The choice of what to do is yours.


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