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68. The Blaffer Foundation Curiosity Cabinet

Rainey Knudson
The Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation Curiosity Cabinet, photographed on October 2, 2024.

Alone on a pedestal, an object’s grandeur is magnified. You’re expected to feel awe, and oftentimes, you do. But objects, like people, resonate with each other when they cohabitate—when they’re not isolated like lab specimens in a white cube gallery. The museum's cabinet of curiosities is like a miniature of the museum itself. All these objects from different parts of the world, things crafted by humans and things found in nature—these things have traveled over distances, over time, to come together in this small room. Like the whole world, like life itself, it overflows with resonance and wonder.

Read more about cabinets of curiosity at the Menil Collection and the MFAH here.


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